"I think it Might be a Tree"
Observing, exploring and measuring an amaryllis plant
After discussing what this bulb might be, the children planted it and watered it well. Some of the guesses the children had were:
- "A pear"
- "A tree"
- "A dried shaker" (we had been exploring the dried gourds earlier in the day)
- "A vegetable"
- "A pineapple"
- "A banana"
- "A sunflower"
The children measured the plant every day using a see-through ruler. In order to record small changes, we measured using centimeters rather than inches. Some days there was a small change, other days there was a big changes from the morning to the afternoon. |
After the children observed the amaryllis and measured the amaryllis, we encouraged them to record the measurements in their "Plant Notebook". The children recorded the date, the measurement of the plant and drew a picture of what the amaryllis looked like. |
We will continue to record the height of the amaryllis, as well as document its growth through drawings and paintings. | | |