Friday, May 27, 2016

The butterflies have flown away!

When we first introduced the caterpillars to the children, we had them predict how long it would take for the caterpillars to change into butterflies. The children had a range of answers from 2 days to 2000 weeks. Every day we kept track of the days by adding a sticker to the chart.

As the caterpillars grew and changed, the children observed and drew representations at various stages. These experiences helped the children develop fine motor skills and strengthened their observational techniques.


Here is a photo sequence of how the caterpillars changed over time. Ms. Masserant used a penny attached to the side of the cup so the children could see how the size of the caterpillars changed over the two week period. The children had many discussions about their observations and used many descriptive words when talking about the caterpillars and the butterflies. "They changed color!" The caterpillars made their chrysalis!" "The butterflies are orange and black. I can see brown, too!"

The children have observed the caterpillars as they have grown and changed into butterflies. This week we let the butterflies go in the school garden. The children were excited to see them fly and tried to catch the butterflies as they landed on the plants in the garden.